CONS3RT 4.7 Released
The latest CONS3RT release brings commercial cloud support, elastic test resources, improved messaging, and a number of other improvements and enhancements. Detailed changes include:
Commercial Cloud Support
– Full support for commercial cloud providers including Amazon Web Services, VMware VCGS and others.
Elastic Test Resources
– Automated provisioning of temporary test tools within the local cloud space for simpler, more comprehensive testing and security scanning.
Virus Scans
– All uploaded assets are now scanned for viruses before being added to the library.
Asset Updating
– Asset scripts (install, checkout, build, deploy) can now be viewed AND edited in the web UI; changes will flow through to new deployment runs.
Lease Times
– Set the end time for a deployment run to more effectively manage resources and control costs.
Recurring Schedules
– Users can schedule deployment runs to occur on a periodic basis based on times and intervals.
Self Service Admin
– Project managers, cloud managers and cloud owners can now create/register/manage their resources from the web portal.
User Defined Passwords
– The root/admin password can be set by the user as part of their deployment run.
User Define Reboot Times
– When setting a reboot for an asset, the user can now define the wait time.
Database Managed Properties
– System runtime properties internalized for greater security and flexible management.
Simpler Test Set-up
– No longer need to create a test bundle before adding a test to a deployment.
Ownership changes
– Administrators can now change the owner and owning project for assets.
New Properties Files
– The old properties files (fap, cons3rt) have been replaced and a companion
Improved Messaging Reliability
– Named queues, better fault tolerance. ActiveMQ replaces Qpid backbone.
Ubuntu Support
– Ubuntu containers are now supported for all provisioning and software installs.