New Development
The traditional “throw it over the fence” approach for software development (development/test/ security/production) is hampering the team’s ability to deliver new capabilities and features. Often something works in one step (e.g. developer’s lab) and fails at the next (quality assurance).
Adopt a approach that writing a line of code (“Hello World”) isn’t a milestone unless it can be deployed, secured and tested. By working inside a CONS3RT environment the team is forced to pass the deploy test every time something is pushed. The automated test tools can be tied in to validate functional, performance and security in real time, keeping all teams in sync. Additionally, each group involved can deploy as many copies of the same configuration into the cloud space to vastly expand access to relevant and useful resources.
Cross-Team Collaboration
A customer validation (IV&V) team has to integrate components from three contractors to perform testing. The contractors each have proprietary, in-process work product so they can’t all work in the same lab.
Set up separate CONS3RT projects for the IV&V team and each contractor. Each contractor will enjoy privacy during their development and test phases and can choose when and what to promote to the IV&V project for integration testing. The contractor’s project could even be connected to a cloud space they control. The IV&V team receives components that are already automated inside CONS3RT, so their integration task is much simpler. In addition, each of the other contractors could (at the IV&V team’s discretion) have access to interim deliverables from each other so they can incorporate them in their development and test activities, thus catching any issues earlier in the process.
Continuous Integration
Code changes are constant and everyone agrees that testing early is the best way to fix them. However, limits on time and people make it hard to stay in sync with the new development.
Connect CONS3RT to your source code build engine (e.g. Jenkins) using the CONS3RT API so every time there is a new source code build, a CONS3RT deployments is launched to install and test the latest build. Automated tasks can occur overnight with a complete set of results available in the morning.
Vendor Marketplace
Getting customers access to running products rather than ISOs and manuals in order to encourage adoption.
Create pre-built CONS3RT assets (components and systems) and share with the community. Leverage the full documentation feature on assets to share instructions, how-to’s, etc. Provide access to temporary licenses so they can start right away. With this approach, users can quickly get things running and integrate them into their environments more easily than reconfiguring virtual appliances.